Shipping & Returns

Accurate shipping times are displayed on each product page. We ship products anywhere within the United States using USPS or UPS. 

A) Our shipping charges are determined by the weight of your order and shipping method selected, excluding applicable sales tax.

What is the shipping cost?

We ship free to most countries in the world. To know more about our Expedited shipping options, email us at

Our goal is 100% accuracy on quantity and timeliness for all shipments. Orders are processed Monday-Friday. All orders for in-stock merchandise are shipped within 3-5 Business Day.

What are the shipping times?

It takes around 3-5 Business Days for the order to get processed. After your order has been processed, it takes around 7 to 15 business days for the item to be delivered. There can be delays beyond our control such as customs and postal service delays. 

Tracking your order:
You will receive a confirmation email and/or text message, if you provided a mobile phone number, containing a tracking ID and a link to follow the journey of your package. To track your package you can visit our Please allow 2 to 3 working days for the tracking information to show.

Wrong address disclaimer:
It is the responsibility of the buyer to make sure that the shipping address entered is correct. We do our best to speed up processing and shipping time, so there is always a small window to correct an incorrect shipping address. Please contact us immediately at if you believe you have provided an incorrect shipping address.


Custom items are non-refundable. It is of utmost importance that you verify the spelling of the names and finishes that you choose. We can not allow the cancellation or return of a custom items, as all items are made to order.

Non-Customized Item(s) and Stock Items are subject to a 20% cancellation or return fee, but is solely at the discretion of GiftsGuides.

If you have any further questions or concerns regarding these terms located on our website please contact us at